How He Asked: Our Proposal Story



On November 3rd, 2019 – I said YES to the love of my life at the most beautiful park in Barcelona. I truly feel like he was brought into my life at the perfect time. I was feeling completely lost and I feel as though finding him grounded me. Pretty soon after we met and began to hang out, I swear it was like I was seeing our future play out right before my eyes. It was a bit intimidating but that’s how I knew he was the one.


Soooo…. like every girl, I definitely imagined that he would propose when we went to Europe (it was a trip he planned and it would be my FIRST time out of the country EVER). I mean I looked everywhere in our apartment and in his luggage… LOL. Did not find anything, yet I was hopeful! However, three weeks prior to our trip my abuelita passed and I was so devastated. I still feel so out of sorts with her being gone.

But once we got on the plane, I was starting to get so excited. It was going to be my first time ever in Europe and not only was I getting to see Spain, I would be touring Rome, Naples, Florence, Palma Majorca, and even Monaco! While we were sitting on the plane, we heard the worst announcement ever. We were asked to de-board the plane with no explanation and had to wait 3 hours before getting rescheduled on another flight the next day.

By the way, we also had a cruise ship to catch and we were on a super tight schedule. Anyways the next day comes and we find out that that our rescheduled flight was ALSO cancelled. At this moment, I told Gennaro f**k it, let’s just try and get some of our money back from our trip but he was so insistent. We ended up booking a flight out of Newark for an obscene amount and ended up in Barcelona 5 hours before we had to board on our cruise ship.

Our hotel from the night before was nice enough to let us check in and shower, so that we would be able to explore Barcelona for a bit and honestly at this point, I just felt so lucky to have even made it to our destination that nothing else crossed my mind.

So here we are exploring Barcelona and we come across Parc de la Ciutadella which is this beautiful historic garden and 30 minutes later *cue the tears* he got down on one knee. It was so magical and honestly my head was spinning that I didn’t even notice he had hired a photographer to capture this moment. Like, boy, did he do good or what.


Like I mentioned before, we were speaking about marriage for a while already and he would bring up every now and then what my dream ring would be. I would always tell him I wanted a clean and minimal oval solitaire diamond. I’ve always loved the simplicity of a single diamond and a thin band. Well as you can only imagine – when I saw that pretty sparkly thing in a black box and I felt like the world stopped. Not only was it my dream ring… I was now engaged to the person I wanted to be with forever.


I’m crazy OCD and a huge planner .. so as soon as we got back from our vacation – we went straight into planning mode. We have already checked off a lot on our wedding check list but the major one is that we have a DATE and venue. We are officially getting married on April 11th, 2021!! Growing up I wanted to be a wedding planner and even took online courses so I am so excited to bring my own wedding series to my blog and share with you all the details!


All I can say is that I cannot wait to tell our kids and our grandchildren about our proposal story and how I cherished every obstacle leading to the most perfect moment. I would go back and do it all over again!

our proposal story

Are any of you ladies engaged or already married? What are the three things you wish you knew before your big day?



How He Asked: Our Proposal Story


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