What I Would and Wouldn’t Do if I was Starting a Business Today



Welcome to the entrepreneurial side of by Lauren Garcia. If you are here by chance or you’re coming from Bloom Social Club – I invite you to join the community I have built for women just like you! 

At the start of each of my businesses, I yearned for a magical handbook that could tell me all the mysteries of running a business. I vividly remember the early days of my blog when tax matters seemed like an alien language, and the concept of business ownership was a puzzle I hadn’t quite solved. Product pricing, customer service; the list goes on and on… Unfortunately, running a company is far from a one-size-fits-all scenario, so the perfect handbook does not exist. I can tell you this from experience as I’ve done online, brick and mortar, product and service based businesses. 

So while I can’t conjure up that elusive handbook, what I can offer is a glimpse into my journey – the stories, the trials, and the triumphs. I have walked the walk so this series on my blog will dive into that and today we’re going to start off with what I would do and wouldn’t do if I was starting a new business! 

DO: Follow Your Passion
First things first, darling – choose a business that sets your soul on fire! Whether it’s a love for fashion, a knack for technology, or a passion for creating, let your heart lead the way. Your enthusiasm will be your secret weapon when the going gets tough. Understand why you’re starting this venture and what impact you want to make. Basically, find out what your secret sauce is! 

DON’T: Fear the Unknown
Embrace the uncertainty, babe! Starting a business is scary and it is okay to feel overwhelmed. But I want you to remember that growth will always be uncomfortable; only because you’ve never been here before. You’ve got this! 

DO: Build a Community
Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back. Surround yourself with a community of like-minded individuals – mentors, fellow entrepreneurs, or your ride-or-die biz besties. They’ll be your cheerleaders, sounding boards, and partners in crime. By building relationships, you open doors to potential partnerships, mentorship opportunities, and a supportive network that can help propel your business forward.

My main reason for starting Bloom Social Club is to fill that gap and create a space that not only helps connect women together, but provides both a safe space to express yourself and collaborate to scale your business. Business Besties is a thing!  

DON’T: Ignore the Boring Stuff
I know, I know – numbers and spreadsheets might not be as glamorous as a shopping spree, but they’re the backbone of your business. One of the most common pitfalls for startups is neglecting proper financial planning. Create a realistic budget, monitor your cash flow, and save for unforeseen challenges.

I wish someone would’ve told me how important bookkeeping was – set yourself up with an accountant ASAP! I offer all my clients a monthly expense tracker within their portals because it was something that I desperately needed when I was starting out. This expense tracker is not how you do your taxes but rather a document that you can hand into your accountant when filing your taxes.

DO: Embrace Failure
Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a stepping stone to it. Learn, adapt, pivot and keep blossoming. Every successful entrepreneur has a collection of failure stories – consider them your badges of honor.

I posted a quote recently on my page that really resonated with me so I’m going to share it with you: “Sometimes the things that bury you may be the soil where you BLOOM”. Keep going, I promise it will be worth it! 

DON’T: Compare Your Chapter One to Someone Else’s Chapter Ten
Imposter syndrome is a b*tch, am I right? But remember – your journey is uniqu

ely yours, darling. Resist the urge to compare your beginning to someone else’s middle or end. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your empire won’t be either. Celebrate small victories, stay focused on your path, and remember, all flowers bloom at different times.

DO: Take Self-Care Seriously
Amid the hustle and bustle, don’t forget to pamper yourself. A thriving business starts with a thriving you. Take breaks, indulge in self-care rituals, and remember that your business is a part of you; therefore if you’re not looking after yourself, your business isn’t going to flourish! A happy, balanced entrepreneur is a force to be reckoned with.

DON’T: Ignore Customer Feedback
Your customers are your best source of feedback. Ignoring their opinions can hinder your business’s growth. Actively seek and listen to customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and tailor your offerings to meet their evolving needs.

However I do want you to remember that your business isn’t going to be for everyone and that’s okay. Keep showing up. 

So there you have it, my dos and don’ts – let me know if any of them reson

ate with you! Are you excited for this series? What should I cover next? Let me know in the comments!





What I Would and Wouldn’t Do if I was Starting a Business Today


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