Welcoming Valentina: Surviving Two Under Two



Almost 6 months ago, our sweet Valentina made her grand entrance, turning our lives into a beautiful chaos with 2 under 2. Let me tell you, it’s a wild ride, but absolutely worth every moment. Life might feel like a juggling act, but witnessing the bond between my little ones from day 1 is pure magic. 

Now, let’s talk about the real deal – postpartum blues. Mama, if you’re battling it, know you’re not alone. Connecting with your little one can be tough, especially after the second. But trust me, you’re doing an amazing job, and things will get brighter. I am feeling the fog lift 6 months into this! 

For my fellow multitasking mamas, I get it. Right now I’m – balancing two kids, three businesses, and a career as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner… It’s a lot. But here’s the secret sauce – taking care of YOU is non-negotiable. 

Here is what I’ve been doing to battle the postpartum blues and help our beautiful chaos:

  1. Fight for “Me” Time!

Yes, you heard it right. Make time for yourself, and make it damn good! Prioritize self-care, because a happy mama equals a happy family. It’s not about finding time; it’s about making the damn time. I’ve dealt with the mom guilt and I know it’s an awful feeling. Remember, “You cannot pour from an empty cup. So show up for yourself.” Make that time, mama, because the best version of you is what your kids, family, and businesses or career deserve. 

  1. Involve your Toddler in the Fun!

Got a toddler in the mix? Get them in on the action! Whether it’s kitchen adventures or diaper station duties, make them feel like superheroes. Our secret weapon? A nifty toddler tower that lets Julian be our height – a must-have for any toddler mama!

  1. Escape the Nest!

Venture out, mama! From shore trips to zoo visits and water park adventures, embrace the world outside your home. Trust me, it’s a game-changer. We’ve got our trusty Uppababy Vista and Zoe Stroller – both awesome, but beware, Uppababy can be a bit of a heavyweight!

And now, a sneak peek into my favorite mom life essentials:

+ Bololo Portable Warmer – I just recently learned about this product but you NEED it! I am absolutely obsessed. It’s so easy to carry and use! My only pet peeve is the cleaning situation but I have made the best of it. If you are a mom that is constantly on the go or have a trip coming up, you need this item! 

+ Packing Cubes – Organize your diaper bag with these clear packing cubes. You’ll thank me later. 

+ Boogie Wipes + Frida Nose Sucker – do I need to say more?

+ Diaper Caddy – I didn’t really use this with Julian but now with two I’ve been reaching for it more and more! To take downstairs to the basement, to keep in our room for a calmer, more efficient morning routine. 

+ Toddler Toys Julian Loves – Sometimes you need your toddler to stay entertained while attending to the baby for diaper changes, feeds, etc. Julian loves these toys so much and can play with them for hours: a play kitchen, this ice-cream set, and his video game driving chair! 

+ Baby Necessities: SnuggleMe, Play Mat (perfect for tummy time and warning: you will be singing this song in your sleep), Arch Toy for the BabyBjorn!

Embrace the chaos, savor the moments (don’t forget to take pictures + videos of everything), and remember, you are doing amazing! What items do you love and cannot live without?





Welcoming Valentina: Surviving Two Under Two


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